"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"( Hebrews 11:1). As believers in Christ Jesus, you have already exhibited faith in a man you have never met. You believe that He died on the cross for you and took your sins to the grave with Him. You also believe that he rose on that 3rd day and is preparing a place for you in heaven. This is the basis of Christian faith. Now, how much has your faith increased since you have taken this great leap of faith? Does it still go beyond what you can see? Does your faith go beyond what you can do?
You will find, as I have, that not all Christians believe or have the same amount of faith that you have. Some Christians still believe that God's grace and mercy is gained through what you do or don't do. Others believe regardless of what they do, God's grace and mercy are always available. Which do you believe? I believe what my Bible tells me. Everyone has to live according to their beliefs. Just because your faith isn't at the same level as mine and vice versa doesn't mean either of us is wrong. I cannot judge you for where you are in God and no one can judge me either. Judgment is God's job. But it is my pleasure to let you know that you don't have to limit your blessings from God.
The past year and a half has been a great struggle for me in the sense that I was unemployed with two small children to care for. I had no income since October 2013, was unable to gain an interview much less a job, I was losing the home I had for my family and my car was stolen. I was in a great deal of physical pain from the fall I had taken in March of the same year and was receiving little to no help from anyone I thought I could depend on. I would always read my Bible but it was sporadic and I didn't really take the words and message into my heart. I didn't allow God's Word to manifest and reap a harvest.
Then one day while I was watching Creflo Dollar on TBN, I had an ah-ha moment. I realized I had to forget what I thought to be true all of my life. I would always hear in the church that faith without works is dead. It would be explained to me that you had to do something in order for God to do something for you. Knowing all of the sins I committed in my lifetime, I thought there would never be anything I could do to gain favor with God. And I was right.
That ah-ha moment changed my life and allowed my faith to increase. Through Creflo Dollar, God allowed me to realize that there is nothing I can physically do to receive the blessings He has in store for me. I didn't save myself, I am saved through Jesus Christ. I didn't make myself righteous, holy, victorious, more than a conqueror, prosperous or worthy. God did it all because of my faith in Jesus Christ. So how would I receive what was mine? READ PRAY TRUST OBEY. I am not worthy to receive anything from God but because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I have everything the Word says that I have. I learned I had to read God's word, put Him FIRST above every one and everything, including my children, seek Him in all things; cast my cares on Him, leave them with Him and trust Him to work them out. (Little did I know at the time it was already done as a finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross. Hallelujah! but we will discuss that at another time.)
I used to tell my co-workers all of the time that God has equipped you with everything you will ever need to go through any obstacle or crisis you face. Little did I realize the same applied to my supply. What supply, you ask? God knew us before the world began. He knows what we like, who we are in our hearts, all of the things we have done in the dark and the light. In spite of our sinful nature, He loves us and wants the best for all of us. Being that He is our creator, He has a storehouse filled with all that we will ever need in this life. Look at it this way. That new Samsung Galaxy 5 you just purchased has multiple accessories available for it as well as replaceable parts. All were created, designed by the manufacturer, Samsung. If you want a new battery, Samsung has it. If you need ear buds, Samsung has it. If your new device doesn't work the way it should, what do you do? You pull out the manufacturer's guide to find a solution. Do you see where I am going with this? God is our manufacturer and has all of our replaceable parts (salvation, a renewed spirit) and accessories (blessings) available. All we have to do is use the manufacturer's guide He has provided (the Bible) to find the answers.
We all have a supply of our needs, wants, desires just waiting on us. We don't receive them because we limit ourselves through our beliefs Most Christians don't utilize what God has in supply because they still believe their matters are left under their own will, what they can or cannot do about a situation. Do you realize that when you take matters into your own hands, you remove it from God's? You stop Him from doing a great work for you. You are essentially telling God that He can't do it but you can. You end up blocking your own blessings.
I began to believe in my heart that God can and will do anything for me. He says it in His Word (Matthew 6:25-34; Deuteronomy 28:11-13; Philippians 4:19; Psalm 24:1; Psalm 34:10; Psalm 23:1). Once I realized that I needed to depend on God and God alone, read His Word, trust in Him and obey His Word, I began to work hard on this revelation. I read my Bible more. I prayed more. I talked to God as if He was my best friend, Cindy. I cried to Him. I began to remove the wrong people out of my circle and remove sinful things out of my life. It was time for some spring cleaning and I became Florence from The Jeffersons. Soon, things started happening for me. Little by little I could see how He had worked things out for me. The more I depended on Him and less on man, the more everything came into focus. Man gave me what he thought I deserved but God gave me what He promised to me.
My faith in Jesus today is unshakeable! Since October 2013, my children and I have not gone hungry or went without any basic need. God supplied it all! Any new obstacles that appeared in my path, I didn't continue to worry and pull my hair out because of it. I gave it to God and left it there. How did I leave it and not pick it back up? Every time the issue would come to my thoughts I would begin to recite the 23rd Psalm. By the time I would finish it, any anxiety, worry and/or fear I had disappeared. I focused my thoughts and spoke of God. It works! Just try it. You may have another scripture that speaks to your circumstance...use that. Just remember to focus on God. Speak to your situation using your "manufacturer's guide" and your worry will dissipate.
I still have storms. I still have a tendency to worry. Negative thoughts still enter my mind. That is just Satan trying to get me back to where I was. Not happening! I now have the tools to deal with such times. God never promised a easy path in life but he did promise He would help you through if you have the faith. Keep reading, praying, trusting, depending and obeying God and all that He has for you will be yours.
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