Have you ever wondered what steps should I take to make sure I am living the Christian life? Peter, one of Jesus' disciples, wrote 1 and 2 Peter. 2 Peter was written toward the end of his life. By writing these letters, he wanted Christians to be aware of the dangers of being a Christian as well as the benefits. Chapter 1:5-9 of 2Peter provides all Christians with the necessary steps to living the Christian life. Today, we will list and examine these steps.
God's power and promise are directly related to doing our part of being faithful and diligent. Faith is a direct reflection of our trust and full reliance on God. Our diligence is equal to the effort to do our part. Peter addresses 7 things we as Christians must do in our daily lives that exhibit our faith and diligence. Each of these items/steps are interdependent. This is not a check off list of items that need to be completed. These items are to be practiced daily, each dependent upon the other. Let's review these steps:
- Virtue
- Knowledge
- Self-Control
- Endurance
- Godliness
- Brotherly kindness
- Love
In order to do what is right, we must first know what the right thing to do is.
Knowledge of who God is and what He can do is key. One can never know enough about God. Knowing who He is and what His involvement in your life can bring to your life not only enriches your life but the lives of those who come in contact with you.
The will to do what is right and the knowledge of what is right leads to Self-Control. People who know the Word are often overcome with pride, envy, unfaithfulness, deception, gluttony, greed or procrastination due to a lack of self-discipline. We all have met or know people that know the Word but who's lives are all in shambles. Self-control is a product of the Spirit. While having the need to do right, acting on that need and developing knowledge, one is expected to have control of oneself, both body and spirit.
Endurance in conjunction with self-control enables us to finish whatever tasks we have started, to prove our faith, develop character and mature in Christ.
Godliness is derived from enduring the self-control exhibited after gaining knowledge in doing what is right. Godliness is to walk in the way of Christ, to be merciful, loving, holy, true, good and patient.
Caring for our brothers and sisters demonstrates brotherly kindness. As a Christian, the God in you affords you the ability to care for your brothers and sisters.
Brotherly kindness needs love. I'm not referring to the romantic love you have for your spouse but that agape love, unconditional love. We all know it take a lot sometimes to love the people you are related to much less a stranger. You must know that Jesus loves each of us unconditionally. We as Christians are duty bound to show and have this unconditional love everyone, even for our enemies.
Peter says the result of practicing these seven steps will allow Christians to grow in Christ, to become more productive and useful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the ability to not stumble in your spiritual progress and the opportunity to look forward to a "triumphant entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (v.8-11).